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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine ume 19 No.1 March 2022
The Sporting Life & Times of Samkin……..
Continuing our series of member profiles, the spotlight this time has fallen on Past President
Samkin, or Peter Legg as many of you will know him. Not a lifelong active cyclist but an
ardent sportsman both in the field and ……on the touchline.
So Peter, How old were you when you got your first bike, and what was it?
As with most kids of my era, my 2irst memory is of a red, 3-wheeled tricycle complete with boot and
closing lid, which was delivered via the chimney at Christmas. I have to admit that my interest was
more around parking it, usually reversing, into various spaces between my mother’s plant pots.
I progressed through various sizes and types of bikes which seemed to come and go fairly quickly as I
grew tall relatively early, ending up with a Dawes racing bike as a teenager. Many hours were spent in
Chorleywood and around The Chilterns on rides with friends and in an environment when children
were allowed to explore and roam with a high degree of freedom, so long as you were back by 5 o’clock
for tea. My sporting aspirations lay more in team sports as I played both football and rugby for a
number of school and club teams. The real cyclist in the family is my son, Wilkins Flasher.
How has your interest in sport developed then?
Having learnt to play golf aged 11 as a cadet at Harewood Downs Golf Club, I played regularly in my
teenage years but when my career and family came along, I rarely played other than at the occasional
Company-sponsored day, charity event and the odd Society match. I now try to play more regularly
but 2ind even though I am semi-retired that I get side-tracked into supporting a number of different
companies I know, so do not get to play as often as I would like. I can claim that I have won all of the
members’ trophies at the Pickwick Golf Day – Jinkins Balls (for the worst shot!), The Winkle Cup
(nearest the pin) and the magni2icent old Namby Trophy presented to the overall winner (3 times!) I
still ski, and hopefully will do so for a few years yet. However, I am aware that my brain works faster
than my body these days (although some would question the brain comment!) and I have to make
allowances for that. I have also become a keen rugby spectator and regularly attend Six Nations games
and have been fortunate enough to attend 5 World Cup Finals, including being present for the 2003
England triumph in Sydney.
You became a member of the PickwickBC in 1977 - how did this come about?
As a result of helping him in business, my father (soubriquet John) was invited by Tom Turrell (Bill
Stumps) to become a member of the PBC in 1968. Tom, who was President in 1960 had been very
supportive of the Club during its 2inancially lean years and with his nomination, I became a member in
1977. I believe that after you, Mr Winkle Snr being Father of the Club, I am the next longest serving
current member. The Club at that time was looking for members, so the now familiar waiting list, didn’t
apply. Having been a member of the Club for 44years, some of which time I was living in Toronto,
proves testament to the enjoyment I have had in attending Club functions, and maintaining the
connection whilst abroad.