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             Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  olume  19                            No.1 March 2022

    Augustus Snodgrass – poetic follower of Mr P. Member PC:
    “'That the said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.   'That
    the  Corresponding  Society  of  the  Pickwick  Club  is  therefore  hereby  constituted;  and  that
    Samuel  Pickwick,  Esq.,    G.C.M.P.C.,  Tracy  Tupman,  Esq.,  M.P.C.,  Augustus  Snodgrass,    Esq.,
    M.P.C., and Nathaniel Winkle, Esq., M.P.C., are hereby   nominated and appointed members of
    the same; and that they be requested to forward, from time to time, authenticated  accounts
    of their journeys and investigations, of their observations  of character and manners, and of
    the whole of their   adventures, together with all tales and papers to which local scenery or
    associations may give rise, to the Pickwick Club, stationed in London.”

    J Woolford            1870 to 1875  forced to resign as he was deemed a professional cyclist
    J G Chapman           1877 to 1889
    W H Waddington        1904 to 1915
    W J Welch             1924 to 1938
    C Gilbert Smith       1942 to 1964
    W Lee                 1968 to 1978
    R Davis               1979 to 1991
    Michael Ennis         1991 to present       President 2008. Committee

    Hon. Wilmot Snipe – Ensign 97  Regiment at Ball at Rochester
    “'Wait  a  minute,'  said  the  stranger,  'fun  presently--nobs  not come  yet--queer  place--
    dockyard people of upper rank don't know dockyard people of lower rank--dockyard people of
    lower  rank  don't  know  small  gentry--small  gentry  don't  know  tradespeople--commissioner
    don't know anybody.' 'Who's that little boy with the light hair and pink eyes, in a fancy
    dress?'inquired Mr. Tupman. 'Hush, pray--pink eyes--fancy dress--little boy--nonsense--
    ensign  97th--Honourable  Wilmot  Snipe--great  family--Snipes--very.'  'Sir  Thomas  Clubber,
    Lady Clubber, and the Misses Clubber!' shouted the man at the door in a stentorian voice. A
    great sensation was created throughout the room by the entrance of a tall gentleman in a
    blue coat and bright buttons, a large lady in blue satin, and  two young  ladies,  on a similar
    scale, in fashionably- made dresses of the same hue. 'Commissioner--head of the yard--great
    man--remarkably great man,' whispered the stranger in Mr. Tupman's ear, as the charitable
    committee ushered Sir Thomas Clubber and family to the top of the room. The Honourable
    Wilmot Snipe, and other distinguished gentlemen crowded to render homage to the Misses
    Clubber; and Sir Thomas Clubber stood bolt upright, and looked majestically over his black
    kerchief at the assembled company.”

    J Sloughgrove         1878 to 1902     President (1895), Vice President (1897,1900)
    Frederic Curis        1920 to 1925
    W E Smee              1926 to 1928
    John T Chaseney       1930 to 1952     President (1937), Won Winkle Cup in 1937
    D Frazer-Allen        1956 to 1971
    C A Macqueen          1975 to 1995
    Peter Hamon           1996 to 2012
    Howard Bradbury       2013 to present
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