Page 17 - PBCMarch2018
P. 17

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	15																													No.1	March	2018							 !17

       Starting  from  the  Grand  Palais,  off  the
    Champs  Élysée  following  the  same  route,  but
    on tarmac roads rather than the gravel tracks
    of  1867.  Passing  the  Eiffel  Tower  it  was
    interesting to reflect that it wasn’t built until
    over 20 years later in 1889. The Velo Club de
    Paris  rode  as  outriders,  stopping  traffic  to
    allow  minimal  dis-mounting  for  the
    Velocipedists,  and  helping  with  minor
    mechanicals, like pedals falling off!

      The climb out of the Seine Valley was certainly a challenge with gradients of 5%, but were
    made possible by the excellent hospitality from the Mayor of Chaville en-route. The crowds
    grew  as  we  approached  the  Palais  de  Versailles,  where  the  wide  boulevard  gave  an
    opportunity to gather as a peloton for the final ‘race’ to the finish. All of the 20 Velocipede
    riders were winners on the day for achieving this historic ride. We have come a long way
    since 1867 but all the bikes that we ride today have evolved from those original machines
    with iron frames, wooden wheels, iron tyres which weigh up to 45kgs!

                        Vive Le Velo

                      And we say Vive Le Watty!
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