Page 16 - PBCMarch2016
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine   Volume13            No.1  March 2016                 16

    Past President Quanko Samba recalls his year…………….

       Now my year in office has reached its conclusion I suppose this

    article  should  be  a  period  of  reflection  of  my  year  in  office.  I  am
    afraid  to  say  that  work,  that  demon  of  the  drinking  classes,  did

    interfere considerably with my intended plans.
       I did manage to attend the Golf day albeit I didn’t play but had a

    most enjoyable day walking the course with Dumkins.  The weather was
    kind and it was followed by an excellent lunch.
        I also managed to attend the lunch at Imber Court following the bike ride, which I must

    say  was  extremely  well  attended  and  enjoyed  another  glorious  day  albeit  being  spoiled  a
    little by the 4-hour journey home.

       The Royal Hospital Tour, which my predecessor Samkin valiantly tried but unsuccessfully
    to arrange, was arranged for the 18  November 2015.  Some 14 in total attended and whilst
    my wife and I were slightly delayed due to transport issues it didn’t seem to delay the event
    greatly.  Nevertheless  a  most  enjoyable  day  has  experienced  being  taken  round  by  our

    Chelsea  Pensioner  guide,  Albert  Willis,  this  was  followed  by  a  most  convivial  lunch  at  the
    Hollywood Arms PH, Chelsea.
         A number of other planned events did not go ahead due primarily, to being fully booked

    into 2016. It will be my responsibility to arrange the annual Past President’s luncheon, and as
    last year will probably be held in July, so to all PP’s - “watch this space”.

        Finally may I thank you all for your support during my year thank you for allowing me to
    be your President a most enjoyable experience and one that I will never forget.

    Quanko Samba
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