Page 31 - PBCOctober2017
P. 31
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 14 No.2 October 2017 @31
Benson Veteran Cycle Day
We do not have a report for this year’s event, but, courtesy
of Mr Mivens, who attended for the first time, we do know
that our President, and somewhat later (!) Mr Brooks both
Thank you Mr Mivens for the pictorial evidence
The Front Cover Story
The background to our front cover illustration can be found in
Ch XXXIV, which is focussed on the Trial of Bardell v Pickwick.
Serjeant Buzfuz proceeded, “Of this man Pickwick I will say little; the subject presents
but few attractions; and I, gentlemen, am not that man, nor are you, gentlemen, the men, to
delight in the contemplation of revolting heartlessness, and systematic villainy,”
Here Mr Pickwick, who had been writhing in silence for some time, gave a violent start, as
if some idea of assaulting Serjeant Buzfuz, in the august presence of justice and law,
suggested itself to his mind. An admonitory gesture from Perker restrained him, and he
listened to the learned gentlemen’s continuation with a look of indignation, which contrasted
forcibly with the admiring faces of Mrs.Cluppins and Mrs. Sanders.
“ I say systematic villainy, gentlemen,” said Serjeant Buzfuz, looking through Mr Pickwick,
and talking at him; “and when I say systematic villainy, let me tell the defendant Pickwick if
he be in court, as I am informed he is, that it would have been more decent in him, more
becoming, in better judgement, and in better taste, if he had stopped away.”