Page 34 - PBCOctober2017
P. 34

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@34

     So, the now for something different quiz seems to have been
                          too tough for most of you!

     Well firstly, here are the answers….

    1) What was Joseph Atto’s Soubriquet?     Nathaniel Pipkin

    2) Joseph  Smiggers  has  the  letters  P.V.P.M.P.C  after  his  name.  What  do  they
        mean?    Perpetual Vice-President – Member Pickwick Club

    3) The Club was formed in 1870 at the Downs Hotel. Where was the Hotel?
            Hackney Downs

    4) Where was the cricket match in Ch.VII held?   Muggleton


    5) With which famous author has the Club always been associated?
            Charles Dickens

    6) What legendary activity always took place at Club luncheons?
            The smoking of old shag

    7) In Ch.XXXIV, who was Mr Pickwick up against in the trial? Mrs. Bardell

    8) Who organises Mr Pickwick goes to France each year?
            Bailie Mac Something (aka John Morris)

    We do however have a winner….King of the Goblins/Robin

    Congratulations  kind  sir,  we  salute  your  knowledge  of
    Pickwick Papers and a suitable reward for your efforts will
    follow shortly.
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