Page 28 - PBCOctober2017
P. 28
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 14 No.2 October 2017 @28
On Sunday we took a 3 hour boat trip from the port, along the Calanques National Park.
The temperature was in the 30’s so a wise choice and the scenery was magnificent. We even
passed a Plage Naturiste, but were to polite to stare - so just took a few photographs!
We returned in time to see the finish of the next day’s Le Tour on television in our
hotel then dinner in another super local restaurant. On Monday we went our separate ways
having had a great trip with good company and food plus a super Tour de France win for
Chris Froome 4 wins what a record! We await Octobers’ route launching to plan next years’
Mr Pickwick’s Trip.
On the trip this year were: Ballie Mac Something and Diana
Mr. Brooks and Rosemary
King of the Goblins and Celia
Jackson and Jackie
Brian and Pam Tadman ( Guests )
( A big thank you to the King of the Goblins for the pictorial contribuWon)