Page 15 - PBCOctober2012
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.3 October 2012
informative speech on the design and construction of one of his vintage bicycles. We also heard
from Martin Guest ( guest of Pruffle ) on his recent charity cycle ride from London to Toulon France.
He raised over £6000 for Cancer Research UK and the charity collection at lunch raised another
£400 to go to his fundraising effort.
There were a number of trophies awarded, the Highgate bowl was
won by Hunt for his efforts in looking after the veterans (Ancients)
over the last five years. Graham Brown
( guest of Hunt) won the Dr. Payne
trophy for allowing himself to be bullied
into riding the veteran route. Brent
Skinner (guest of Pruffle ) was awarded
the Peter Magnus
trophy for the work he
does teaching all ages
but predominantly young people how to cycle safely
on the road.
The President Samuel
Pickwick ( Stephen
Downham) after the loyal
toast thanked members
and guests for their attendance and thanked
the staff at Imber Court for hosting the PBC
so well and providing a good meal. In true Puxkwickian fashion a
number of members and guests retired to the bar to continue their
revelery. My thanks goes to all those members who supported this club event by attending and
bringing guests.
A special thanks to Frank Simmery (Helmut
STIBAL) for travelling from his home in
Frieburg Germany to participate and taking
the photographs of
the proceedings.
And, finally:
Hoping to see many more members with guests in 2013.
We really do need more support, both for the rides and for Lunch
Pruffle (Aidan Hegarty)
Frank Simmery, pictured here left, took these photos and there are
many more available of this event.