Page 14 - PBCOctober2012
P. 14

14             Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.3 October 2012

     Hampton Court Revival Ride - a report from Pruffle.

     Thursday 27th September saw 30 cyclists gather at Imber Court Sports club  in Surrey for the 5th
     running of the Pickwick Bicycle Club's Hampton Court Revival ride. The weather was favourable
     and stayed dry. The group split with twelve mounted on vintage cycles being led by Hunt on their
     usual  route  to  Hampton
     Court Palace then along the
     Thames    towpath   to
     Kingston    and      a
     circumnavigation  of  the
     interior  of  Bushy  Park
     before  dropping  into  a
     hostelry  in  Hampton  High
     Street. Revived by ale and
     victuals they then returned
     to Imber Court to prepare for lunch.

     The other eighteen Lycra clad cyclists on modern machines took a ride out through Esher and
     Cobham. They cycled some of the roads used for the Olympic cycle road race and this was
                                                    apparent  by  the  graffiti  on  the  road
                                                    surface    still  remaining  supporting
                                                    mainly  Team  GB.  A  perambulation
                                                    through the Surrey lanes  led them to
                                                    their morning coffee stop at a garden
                                                    centre  in  West  Horsley.  Refreshed
                                                    they  also  made  their  way  back  to

     Imber  Court  to  shower  and  dress  for  lunch.  I  am
     pleased to report that neither cycling group suffered
     any  mechanical  mishaps.  I  must  express  my
     gratitude to Mr. Malcolm Rooke ( guest of Pruffle)for
     driving behind the "moderns" as mechanic and "sag

     Forty members and guests sat down to an excellent lunch comprising of a pate starter, chicken
     main course and Eton Mess dessert . We all received a fine vintage cycle print from Peter Magnus
     and he has our gratitude for his generosity.

     Everyone  present  at  lunch  also  received  a  medal  struck  by  the  Pickwick  Bicycle  Club  as  a
     memento of their participation .
     We were entertained after lunch by Julian Parker (guest of Brooks) who gave an excellent and
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