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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 15 No.1 March 2018 !9
Now for something entirely……..Different??
The following very amusing email was sent to our esteemed secretary Sgt Buzfuz
in said member’s quest to be sure of acquiring tickets for the 2017 Garden Party.
“Subject: Re- The Prandial Extravaganza At the Connaught Rooms On Thursday 7th December
Gadzooks and Hey-Nonny-No !!!
It appears that the Gods of mythology are looking kindly upon us. I trust that Ascelupius
(health and medicine) is looking favourably upon you and all of the CommiHee of the Pickwick
Bicycling Club !!.
Jupiter (the boss) has instructed Mercury (the messenger) to deliver the sum of £490.00 to
the Cel^c Chiron (the keeper at the Allied Irish Bank) in exchange for seven 'leHers of marque'
which will allow Janus (gates and doors) to grant us entry to that exquisitely decorated
Anderson Shelter in Great Queen Street (or should that be Great Juno Street??) at 13.00 hours
on the seventh day of the tweleh month of the Gregorian calendar (promptness is a priority,
so are jackets and ^es) Anno Dominae 2017.
Should Mnemosyne (memory) serve me well then I now need to employ Diana (the huntress)
so seek out the services of Bacchus (Wine) in order to ensure that the feast is replete
and complimented with such nectars and I will pay homage (in advance) to Tellus (the earth)
to ensure that it will not be unstable underfoot at the culmina^on of this fes^ve banquet. In
the absence of Bacchus can you instruct Ganymede (the cup-bearer) or any one of his
sommelier associates to contact me so that we can select from their wares and all experience
their examples of bacchanalian excellence.
May Plutus (wealth) and Fortuna (luck) look favourably on us all and assist in the amassing of
our accounts with Chiron (keeper/bank manager).
I await your reply with eager an^cipa^on.
Best Regards, Roger Gibbons (Mr Tuckle)”