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4          Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11       No.1 March 2014
        Captain’s Observations

                ell another great December  Garden Party  has
                passed,  leaving many  pleasant memories and
        Wunfortunately  quite a  few that  would not be
        considered  worthy of our club. I am not  referring  to
        the poor organizing skills and service given by some of
        the catering staff, that, we will be taking up, with the
        management of the venue. It is unfortunately, as it would
        seem,  outside  influences  existing  our  modern  society
        today are beginning to creep in to our events in the form
        of un-gentlemanly behaviour.

        I highlight some below but by no means are they the sum total. For instance, those
        members who devote time and effort, in trying to ensure the smooth running and
        enjoyment of the luncheon, encounter abuse when attempting to get the co-op-
        eration of some individuals. Another example is the bad manners displayed by
        those who arrived late, (in some cases fortified by drink), who insisted on still
        having a pre-dinner drink with their friends at the bar despite being requested
        to take their places for lunch. This also applied to the ordering of wine, aggravat-
        ed by members not allowing sufficient time for same. Yet another, members who
        changed their seating arrangements on the day despite, the carefully arranged
        seating plan prepared by Mrs Bardell.
        The last point I wish to make is by far the gravest encountered, it was the
        concealment of pre-ordered member’s wines under the tables by others and the
        removal of bottles witnessed without sanction. Remember our events are organized by
        gentlemen for gentlemen and should similar behaviour be encountered in the future, it could
        have major influence on future arrangements.
                This is a very special, elite club with honourable objectives and surely they
        are worth preserving
        How dangerous is cycling asks your editor?

        ………………….. there has been a lot of publicity about the pros & cons of cycling
        recently with the unfortunate deaths of a number of riders in and around London.
        I found a news bite in a well known broadsheet that related a similar situation in
        “On October 5  1898, the members of the United Wards’ Club of the City of
        London debated the proposition: “It is the opinion of the members that cycling
        through the City between the hours of 9 & 6.30 is both dangerous to the cyclists
        themselves and a great annoyance and danger to the pedestrians and traffic, and
        that cyclists should be compelled to dismount and walk through the City during
        the above mentioned hours”

        The motion was carried overwhelmingly, there being only three dissensions. One
        hopes that those three were early members of our august club! Also what wasn’t
        established was whether any cyclists took any notice of the proposition – I hope
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