Page 22 - PBCMarch2014
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22 Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11 No.1 March 2014
We need your
John Baker 1916 to 1922 picture!
GW Pamment 1926 to 1944 (Auditor)
Philip A Day 1961 to 2004
Mark James 2008 to present
Smithers - Smithers & Price – a character does not exist:
“'That's all right,' replied Mr. Perker's clerk; and then seeing Mr. Pickwick's eye
wandering curiously towards the table, he added, 'will you join us, for half an
hour or so? We are capital company here to-night. There's Samkin and Green's
managing- clerk, and Smithers and Price's chancery, and Pimkin and Thomas's out
o' doors--sings a capital song, he does--and Jack Bamber, and ever so many more.
You're come out of the country, I suppose. Would you like to join us?'”
WE Rootes 1924 to 1932
Alex Fraser 1938 to 1957
G Grubb 1960 to 1971
EB Mervyn Grub 1972 to 1989 (President 1983)
David Lincoln 1999 to present
Snob – Porkin & Snob:
“For example. Leaning against the wall, close beside the seat Mr. Pickwick had
taken, was an office-lad of fourteen, with a tenor voice; near him a common-law
clerk with a bass one. A clerk hurried in with a bundle of papers, and stared about
him. 'Sniggle and Blink,' cried the tenor. 'Porkin and Snob,' growled the bass.
'Stumpy and Deacon,' said the new-comer. Nobody answered; the next man who
came in, was bailed by the whole three; and he in his turn shouted for another
firm; and then somebody else roared in a loud voice for another; and so forth”.
EW Garner 1926 to 1935
JRH Peace 1942 to 1953 We need your
H F “Pres” Pressdee 1965 to 1988 picture!
Stewart Tibbats 1990 to 2004
Paul Stewart 2011 to present
This series is complied and produced by Past President Joseph Smiggers esq
P.V.P.M.P.C. (Steve Bullen)