Page 16 - PBCSeptember2014
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11 No.2 September 2014 !16
Then there was a Mexican wave of cheering as a bride and her entourage was obliged
to walk because the roads around the church had been closed for the day. Meanwhile,
Judy had the television on in the house so that we could keep up to date with the race.
Then the arrival of the police motorbikes sounding their horns, followed by the French
Gendarmerie on their motorbikes, and then the steady cavalcade of the caravan of
promotional vehicles.
Eventually the racers arrived and as they went past us
they all looked tired and jostling for position on the
steady climb into town. Then complete shock as news of
Mark Cavendish’s crash went through the crowd like
wildfire. Quickly to
the television, but
pictures were not too
clear at that point.
Excitement over, we
then settled into
enjoying Judy’s delicious puddings and reflecting on a
wonderful day with our illustrious President, Samuel
Pickwick Esq.
There was a genuine reluctance to say goodbye, but
eventually I left Judy’s lovely home and headed back to the station. How different from
this morning’s casual stroll. The streets were full of people in party mood, and I became
increasingly tempted to stay and enjoy this wonderful atmosphere but …. As I
approached the station I could not believe my eyes as thousands of people were queuing
and the walk to the end of the queue convinced me that it would be quicker to walk to
Knaresborough. Later I discovered that after the Grand Depart in Leeds thousands of
people caught the trains to Harrogate to see the finish. I was lucky to spot a bus heading
to Knaresborough but it was full beyond capacity. Then I spotted another also full
beyond capacity but the driver allowed me to squeeze in. The following day I cycled to
York to spend the morning walking the town route amongst massive crowds to see the
start before completing my own 100-mile ride.
Wow! It doesn’t get much better than that. Thank you Mr Pickwick for yet another
memorable Pickwick Bicycle Club adventure.
Joseph Smiggers P.V.P.M.P.C.