Page 14 - PBCSeptember2014
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11 No.2 September 2014 !14
The competition for the golf trophies was close at the upper
ends with the exception of the Winkle Cup (nearest the pin)
which was won,most convincingly by Mr Wicks who was 1 and
3/8 Pickwickian paces from the pin. Until Mr Wicks played
his marvellous shot it was looking like the result would be
decided by who was nearest the green!
The Crandyke Cup (for guests)
was fiercely contested with the top four players separated
by only two points. The eventual winner,and son of our
president, was Ed Legg (guest of Samuel Pickwick) with
thirty six points.. In joint second place were Rob Basden
(guest of Smithers) and Trever Willis (guest of Baillie
MacSomething) with thirty five points and in third place
Sunauter Datta (guest of Mr Wicks) thirty four points.
The magnificent Namby Cup was equally fiercely contested, with
again only two points separating the top three members. In third
place with thirty four points was Sergeant Buzfuz. Second place
was gained by last year's winner, George the Father with thirty
five points but the winner, I am pleased to announce, was
Smithers with thirty six points. Under the new rules next year
Hon Golfing Sec will play off an eleven handicap.
I do recommend this day to you whether to golf, cycle our just dine, the company and
fellowship are most agreeable. Finally a huge 'thank you' to Peter Magnus for producing
the top class menus. Truly works of art.
Smithers………………Hon Golf Sec