Page 18 - PBCOctober2019
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Pickwick	   Bicycle	   Club	   Magazine	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   Volume	   16	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   No.2	   	   October	   2019	   	   	   	   	   	   	    !18

                       Who Were Your Early Namesakes?
                                           Researching Your Ancestors

                       The Pickwick Bicycle Club has been in continuous existence since its formation
                       in 1870, and the soubriquets of its members have been faithfully passed down
                       from  generation  to  generation.  If  you  would  like  to  receive  the  available
                       history of your soubriquet, please contact Joseph Smiggers at:
              and you will receive the information by return.

    Dismal Man – Mr Pickwick awoken on banks of Medway by Dismal Man

    “'To be before the footlights,' continued the dismal man, 'is like sitting at a grand court
    show, and admiring the silken dresses of the gaudy throng; to be behind them is to be the
    people who make that finery, uncared for and unknown, and left to sink or swim, to starve or
    live, as fortune wills it.' 'Certainly,' said Mr. Snodgrass: for the sunken eye of the dismal
    man  rested  on  him,  and  he  felt  it  necessary  to  say  something.  'Go  on,  Jemmy,'  said  the
    Spanish  traveller,  'like  black-eyed  Susan--all  in  the  Downs--no  croaking--speak  out--look
    lively.' 'Will you make another glass before you begin, Sir ?' said Mr. Pickwick. The dismal
    man took the hint, and having mixed a glass of brandy-and-water, and slowly swallowed half
    of  it,  opened  the  roll  of  paper  and  proceeded,  partly  to  read,  and  partly  to  relate,  the
    following  incident,  which  we  find  recorded  on  the  Transactions  of  the  Club  as  'The
    Stroller's Tale.'”

    Ramon	   Hu^on	   	     	     1993	   to	   1999	   
    Richard	   Annis	    	     	     2002	   to	   2014	   


    Brown of Muggleton – a shoemaker

    “'Stop a bit,' replied Sam, suddenly recollecting himself. 'Yes; there's a pair of Vellingtons a
    good deal worn, and a pair o' lady's shoes, in number five.' 'What sort of shoes?' hastily
    inquired  Wardle,  who,  together  with  Mr.  Pickwick,  had  been  lost  in  bewilderment  at  the
    singular catalogue of visitors. 'Country make,' replied Sam. 'Any maker's name?'
    'Brown.' 'Where of?' 'Muggleton. 'It is them,' exclaimed Wardle. 'By heavens, we've found

    Joseph	   Bane	    	     1942	   to	   1944	   
    Paul	   T	   Traxton	   	   	     1990	   to	   2018	   
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