Page 22 - PBCOctober2018
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 15 No.2 October 2018 @22
Nigel J Hewitt 1926 to 1932
Alfred Adams 1938 to 1949
R J R Fry 1955 to 1973
L S Stallwood 1973 to 1992
Noel Moore 1993 to 2004 ( Died 2004)
Darren Upton 2007 to present
Solomon Lucas -Jew in the High Street, Eatonswill. Costumier
“Mr. Leo Hunter had not exaggerated the resources of Mr. Solomon Lucas. His wardrobe
was extensive--very extensive-- not strictly classical perhaps, not quite new, nor did it
contain any one garment made precisely after the fashion of any age or time, but
everything was more or less spangled; and what can be prettier than spangles! It may be
objected that they are not adapted to the daylight, but everybody knows that they would
glitter if there were lamps; and nothing can be clearer than that if people give fancy-balls
in the day-time, and the dresses do not show quite as well as they would by night, the fault
lies solely with the people who give the fancy-balls, and is in no wise chargeable on the
spangles. Such was the convincing reasoning of Mr. Solomon Lucas; and influenced by such
arguments did Mr. Tupman, Mr. Winkle, and Mr. Snodgrass engage to array themselves in
costumes which his taste and experience induced him to recommend as admirably suited to
the occasion.”
William S Argent 1920 to 1928
A W Stone 1936 to 1939
Stanhope Shelton 1941 to 1944
Leslie Grose 1948 to 1958
A H Ashmore 1958 to 1976
R C Vander 1976 to 1991
Alan J Wellan 1991 to 2015