Page 19 - PBCOctober2018
P. 19

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																				Volume	15																												No.2	October	2018  @19

         Mr. Brooks, Rosemary, Jackson and Jackie all then made their way to Brittany and The
    Alps on Sunday morning, whilst we watched the final stage into Paris on the TV at our hotel.
    The  rest  of  the  party  enjoyed  exploring  the  area  and  the  food  and  wine,  before  leaving
    Biarritz for Gatwick on the Monday.

       It was a good trip - Mr. Pickwick did go to France. We hope for a better tour route for us
    next year with not so much travelling.  Baillie Mac Something
                             Mr	Brooks	&	Rosemary

                                       				The	Caravan	passes

    Cycling Achievements……..

    It has been brought to my attention that Wilkins Flasher (aka Edward
    Legg)  completed  the  rather  wet  Prudential  Ride  London-Surrey
    100mile  event  this  July.  And  he  raised  over  £2500  for  MacMillan
    Cancer  Research.  According  to  my  information  he  is  only  the  3rd
    Pickwickian  to  complete  this  ride,  after  our  soubriquet  historian
    Joseph Smiggers & myself, both of whom rode back in 2014.
    Has anybody else ridden this event? If so why not write and tell me?

    The said Wilkins Flasher would like to know if there are any other Club members who would
    like to join forces and participate in other organised events in the UK or Europe?
    Let me know - Editor
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