Page 15 - PBCOctober2013
P. 15
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.3 October 2013
22. What seal was on Mr. Winkle's letter to his father? What penitential attitude did he assume
before Mr. Pickwick ?
23. ‘She’s a swellin' wisibly.' When did the same phenomenon occur again, and what fluid caused
the pressure on the body in the latter case?
24. How did Mr. Weller, senior, define the funds, and what view did he take of Reduced Consol’s
? In what terms is his elastic force described, when he assaulted Mr.Stiggins at the meeting? Write
down the name of the meeting.
25. ' IIpopaToyvtifAw : a good judge of cattle; hence, a good judge of character.’ Note on Æsch.
Ag. Illustrate the theory involved by a remark of the parent Weller.
26. Give some account of the word 'fanteeg', and hazard any conjecture explanatory of the
expression 'My Prooshan Blue', applied by Mr.Samuel to Mr.Tony Weller.
27. In developing to P.M. his views of a proposition, what assumption did Mr. Pickwick feel
justified in making?
28. Deduce from a remark of Mr. Weller, junior, the price per mile of cabs at the period.
29. What do you know of the hotel next the Bull at Rochester?
30. Who, besides Mr. Pickwick, is recorded to have worn gaiters?
1. See Chapters IV, VIII, XXVIII, LIV. (a) Chapters IV, XXX (twice), XXXIX; (6) Chapter LVI.
2. Two of Jingle's speeches are here quoted, the first being in Chapter III, and the second in
Chapter II. For 'Spanish traveler‘ see Chapter III, and for 'narcotic bedstead' see Chapter XLI.
'Go on, Jemmy,’ is Mr. Jingle's adjuration to the actor whom he has previously designated 'Dismal
Jemmy', urging the commencement of the 'Stroller's Tale'. 'Like black-eyed Susan—all in the Downs'
has the double application to the stroller's melancholy and the first line of Gay's song of Black-eyed
Susan—'All in the Downs the fleet was moored'. 'Handled his fives well' of course refers to the
'sparring' of the cabman who wanted to fight Mr. Pickwick.
'Friend in the green jemmy' refers to Mr. Winkle, who, we are told in Chapter I, ' wore a new green
shooting-coat', etc. ' ‘Pig's whisper' is slang for a very brief space of time. Bartlett says the Americans
have 'pig's whistle' with the same signification.
4. See two several parts of ' The Bagman's Story' in Chapter XIV.
5. See Chapters XXIV, XXV, XLVI, VIII, XLI.\