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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.3 October 2013
                                    RESEARCHING YOUR ANCESTORS,
                                 OR, WHO WERE YOUR EARLY NAMESAKES?
                                    This series is compiled and produced by
                          Past President Joseph Smiggers,Esq. P.V.P.M.P.C., (Steve Bullen),

                  The Pickwick Bicycle Club has been in continuous existence since its formation in 1870, and the soubriquets
                   of its members have been faithfully passed down from generation to generation. If you would like to receive the available  history
                  of your soubriquet
                  please contact Joseph Smiggers at  and you will have this information by return.

     Prince Bladud - son of Lud Hudibras, King of Britain - legend of the sources of waters of
     “'Less than two hundred years ago, on one of the public baths in this city, there appeared an
     inscription in honour of its mighty founder, the renowned Prince Bladud.  That inscription is now
     erased. 'For many hundred years before that time, there had been handed down, from age to
     age, an old legend, that the illustrious prince being afflicted with leprosy, on his return from reaping
     a rich harvest of knowledge in Athens, shunned the court of his royal father, and consorted moodily
     with husbandman and pigs. Among the herd (so said the legend) was a pig of grave and
      solemn countenance, with whom the prince had a fellow-feeling  --for he too was wise--a pig of
     thoughtful and reserved demeanour; an animal superior to his fellows, whose grunt was  terrible,
     and whose bite was sharp.  The young prince sighed deeply as he looked upon
     the countenance of the majestic swine; he thought of his royal father, and his
     eyes were bedewed with tears.”
     E. Hearle             pre 1881
     J A Hawkins           1881 to 1914
     G B Hemming           1920 to 1923
     C R Willis            1925 to 1936
     H J Brueton           1941 to 1948
     Walter Flory          1955 to 1966     Captain, addressed as Mr. Pickwick, Esquire
     Chris Tyler           1973 to present   President 1980; Soubriquet changed from
                                                                                   Staple by mistake in 1978

     Crookey – attendant in the coffee room at Namby’s house:

     “'Give me a sheet of paper, Crookey,' said Mr. Price to the attendant, who in dress and general
     appearance looked something between a bankrupt glazier, and a drover in a state of insolvency;
     'and a glass of brandy-and-water, Crookey, d'ye hear? I'm going to write to my father, and I must
     have a stimulant, or I shan't be able to pitch it strong enough into the old boy.' At this facetious
     speech, the young boy, it is almost needless to say, was fairly convulsed.”
     H A Bishop            1900 to 1915
     Sir Lacy E Vincent     1941 to 1944
     H A Davis             1948 to 1962
     C White               1963 to 1977
     David R Thorpe        1982 to 2004
     Grahame Lovett        2006 to present
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