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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                                            Volume 20         No.1   March  2023       7

           President Hunt Reports on the Hampton Court Ride

                                   October 2022

    As the then President, last year’s ride for me, was the best ever, weather, food
    and company on the day was brilliant!  HOWEVER as the organiser, and from my
    point of view it was very disappointing!!!
    One of my favourite jobs each year on the day,
    is  to  decide  who  is  worthy  of  a  trophy  for
    either lack of maintenance of their machine or
    gets lost or any other misdemeanour. But this
    year riders and machines behaved impeccably,
    making my job almost impossible! Cycles and
    riders perfectly turned out, the whole event
    running  like  clockwork!  So  for  the
    presentations of the day, luckily for me, the
    modern invention, the mobile phone came to my          WaiJng for the start

    Firstly ‘ Namby managed to time his incoming call at the precise moment he cycled
                           alongside yours truly taking a 40 minute business call,
                           (sometimes you just have to take them) giving me my first
                           recipient of the day.
                             The  second  member  who  decided  to  help  with  my
                           presentations (and can remain nameless for the moment
                           pending the size of the insurance claim the club could be
                           facing) walked straight into a Victorian glass hanging lamp,
                           again  as  he  studied  his  small  screen  walking  back  to  his
                           table before lunch. I would like to thank both for helping
                           with this year’s awards selection .
                           The third award went to ‘Mr Gunter’ who, after reminding
                           everyone for the last 3years about German efficiency
                           turned up late, not giving himself time to prepare for the
                           ride, and then again left the other 37 riders waiting for a
    Namby sans mobile phone
                           second time, whilst he took a comfort break.  On  this
                           award I would like to thank ‘Pruffle’ for his help.
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