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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	17																													No.1	March	2020							 22

   Bullman – the legal case “Bullman & Ramsey”

   'Ah, Ramsey--a precious seedy-looking customer. "Well, sir," says old Fogg, looking at him very fierce--
   you know his way-- "well, Sir, have you come to settle?" "Yes, I have, sir," said Ramsey, putting his hand in
   his pocket, and bringing out the money, "the debt's two pound ten, and the costs three pound five, and
   here it is, Sir;" and he sighed like bricks, as he lugged out the money, done up in a bit of blotting-paper.
   Old Fogg looked first at the money, and then at him, and then he coughed in his rum way, so that I knew
   something was coming. "You don't know there's a declaration filed, which increases the costs materially,
   I suppose," said Fogg. "You don't say that, sir," said Ramsey, starting back; "the time was only out last
   night, Sir." "I do say it, though," said Fogg, "my clerk's just gone to file it. Hasn't Mr. Jackson gone to
   file that declaration in Bullman and Ramsey, Mr. Wicks?" Of course I said yes, and then Fogg coughed
   again, and looked at Ramsey. "My God!" said Ramsey; "and here have I nearly driven myself mad, scraping
   this money together, and all to no purpose." "None at all," said Fogg coolly; "so you had better go back
   and scrape some more together, and bring it here in time."

   Charles Jarrott             1914 to 1919
   Josiah Bayley                     1924 to 1935
   F W Smith CBE               1938 to 1962
   L C Hart                          1962 to 1986
   Mike F Traxton              1987 to 1999
   Brian Vandervilt            2001 to present

   Fogg – Mrs Bardell’s attorney

   “There  was  something  so  impressive  in  the  mute  astonishment  with  which  each  man  regarded  his
   neighbour,  and  every  man  regarded  Mr.  Pickwick,  that  all  seemed  afraid  to  speak.  The  silence  was  at
   length broken by Mr. Tupman. 'Dodson and Fogg,' he repeated mechanically. 'Bardell and Pickwick,' said
   Mr. Snodgrass, musing. 'Peace of mind and happiness of confiding females,' murmured Mr. Winkle, with
   an air of abstraction. 'It's a conspiracy,' said Mr.Pickwick, at length recovering the power of speech; 'a
   base conspiracy between these two grasping attorneys, Dodson and Fogg. Mrs. Bardell would never do it;
   she hasn't the heart to do it;--she hasn't the case to do it. Ridiculous--ridiculous.' 'Of her heart,' said
   Wardle,  with  a  smile,  'you  should  certainly  be  the  best  judge.  I  don't  wish  to  discourage  you,  but  I
   should certainly say that, of her case, Dodson and Fogg are far better judges than any of us can be.'
   'It's a vile attempt to extort money,' said Mr. Pickwick.”

   A.Hauxwell                 1874 to 1879
   T.Shaw                       1880 to 1892
   William R. Clarke        1909 to 1925
   A S Stewart             1937 to 1939
   F L Cyprien              1941 to 1957
   M F Brandon             1962 to 1970
   F Bliss               1971 to 1973
   Brian J Chapman        1973 to 2009
   Jim Gillan             2010 to present
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