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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	17																													No.1	March	2020							 21
                       Who Were Your Early Namesakes?
                                                        Researching Your Ancestors

                      The Pickwick Bicycle Club has been in continuous existence since its formation in
                      1870, and the soubriquets of its members have been faithfully passed down from
                      generation  to  generation.  If  you  would  like  to  receive  the  available  history  of
                      your soubriquet, please contact Joseph Smiggers at:
             and you will receive the information by return.

    Whiffers – Footman at “Swarry” in orange plush

    “Gentlemen,  our  friend  Mr.  Whiffers  (everybody  looked  at  the  individual  in  orange),  our  friend  Mr.
    Whiffers  has  resigned.'  Universal  astonishment  fell  upon  the  hearers.  Each  gentleman  looked  in  his
    neighbour's  face,  and  then  transferred  his  glance  to  the  upstanding  coachman.  'You  may  well  be
    sapparised, gentlemen,' said the coachman.
    'I  will  not  wenchure  to  state  the  reasons  of  this  irrepairabel  loss  to  the  service,  but  I  will  beg  Mr.
    Whiffers  to  state  them  himself,  for  the  improvement  and  imitation  of  his  admiring  friends.'  The
    suggestion being loudly approved of, Mr. Whiffers explained. He said he certainly could have wished to
    have  continued  to  hold  the  appointment  he  had  just  resigned.  The  uniform  was  extremely  rich  and
    expensive, the females of the family was most agreeable, and the duties of the situation was not, he was
    bound to say, too heavy; the principal service that was required of him, being, that he should look out of
    the hall window as much as possible, in company with another gentleman, who had also resigned. He could
    have  wished  to  have  spared  that  company  the  painful  and  disgusting  detail  on  which  he  was  about  to
    enter, but as the explanation had been demanded of him, he had no alternative but to state, boldly and
    distinctly, that he had
    been required to eat cold meat.”

    T P Wright             pre 1881
    G L Edwards           1886 to 1906  Hon. Member
    R W Morton            1925 to 1936
    Major H L Hodgson IA   1938 to 1941
    H G Turner            1943 to 1970
    W W Wood              1970 to 1986
    Bill E Tonkin         1987 to 2018
    Richard Jack          2018 to present

    The Bagman – “Your health, Sir” said the bagman with the lonely eye

    “'Your health, Sir,' said the bagman with the lonely eye, bestowing an approving nod on Mr. Snodgrass.
    Mr. Snodgrass acknowledged the compliment.”

    Tony Parsons          1981 to 1998
    Simon Fellman         2002 to present
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