Page 15 - PBCMarch2020
P. 15

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	17																													No.1	March	2020							 15

                            Referencing  his  own  ‘slightly  overweight’  appearance,  he  still
                            participates  in  golf  and  cricket  at  a  moderate  level,  which
                            provides  him  with  ample  anecdotal  material  with  which  to
                            entertain  his  post  lunch  audiences.    He  certainly  kept  us
                            amused and the audience quiet – before inviting the guests to
                            raise their glasses with the toast to “The Immortal Memory
                            and The Pickwick Bicycle Club”.

   That  meant  it  was  then  my  turn  ……and  more  than  a  brief  word;  thanking  Roger  for  his
   entertainment,  then  the  Club  for  the  privilege  of
   being President for the past year and made easy by
   the work the committee members put in behind the
   scenes.  I  referenced  the  great  support  of  my
   chosen  charity  –  The  Rockinghorse  Charity.  It
   somewhat took my breath away at the generosity of
   everyone  on  the  day  with  a  total  in  excess  of
   £5000;  so  a  huge  thank  you  to  everyone  was  in
   order. Wished everyone a safe journey home and a
   happy  and  healthy  festive  period,  there  remained
   only  one  more  action  of  my  Presidential  year  and
   that  was  to  pass  on  the  badge  of  office  to  Mr
   Watty, your President for 2020.                      Handing	over	to	the	New	President

                                          As always the Garden Party then     concluded
                                          with  a  hearty  rendering  of  Auld  Lang  Syne,
                                          followed by much amusement in the ante room
                                          at  the  antics  of  members  &  guests  alike
                                          climbing aboard the Club Ordinary for official
                                          & otherwise photos.

   (Pictures courtesy Mike Thomas our resident photographer)
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