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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 15 No.1 March 2018 !3
A Secretarial Report
from Sgt Buzfuz
Firstly may I offer all members belated good wishes for the coming year. I am sorry that I
was not able to be present at the AGM and Garden Party, but I believe that Mr Watty
performed well, and everything went smoothly. For those not present I should report that we
have a new President, Pruffle (Aiden Hegarty) who I know has exciting plans for his year. The
program is shown elsewhere in this edition. The new Deputy President is your newsletter
editor Mr Winkle Senior (Roger Warwick). Roger is one of our longest serving members
having been elected in 1972.
Mr Dumkins (Patrick Green) was elected as the new Deputy Captain. There were several
new nominations for committee membership. Rather than trying to elect 7 members from 8
names the meeting took the sensible decision to co-opt or elect them all for the coming year.
(Volunteers are always welcome). Newly elected to the committee are Bob Sawyer (Gerry
Taylor), Charlie the Pot Boy (Adrien Stevens) and Sir Geoffrey Manning (Peter Benmax).
After several years Master Tommy Bardell (Ralph Dadswell) stood down, and the club thanks
him for his contribution.
The long awaited handbook is with the printers and it is hoped will be circulated in the not
too distant future. Plans are also well under way for the 150 anniversary, with the
subcommittee, under the chairmanship of Samkin (Peter Legg), progressing several issues and
ideas. 2020 will be a year to remember.
Back to more usual events the President’s luncheon will be held on the usual date of the
second Thursday in May (10 ). Members are reminded that there is no limit on guest
numbers. Full tables of 8, 9 or 10 are available so why not make a party. Ticket applications
will be distributed in due course (They may already be out by the publication date of the
newsletter.) I hope to see as many of you as possible at the event. I am not planning another
trip to Australia just yet!
Finally some of you had your photograph taken at the Garden Party. The aim for 2020 is a
membership book that has a head and shoulders shot of all members and retired members.
About 70 shots were taken in December, if you have not been ‘shot’ yet, please ensure you
are captured in May or December this year at the latest. Buzfuz