Page 25 - PBCMarch2017
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            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine          Volume 14             No.1 March 2017

     I'll be back in five minits by the clock." "And wot 'ud become o' me if you WOS struck
     with apoplexy?" said the turnkey. "Wy," says the little creetur, "whoever found me, 'ud
     bring  me  home,  for  I've  got  my  card  in  my  pocket,  Bill,"  he  says,  "No.  20,  Coffee-room
     Flight": and that wos true, sure enough, for wen he wanted to make the acquaintance of
     any new-comer, he used to pull out a little limp card vith them words on it and nothin' else;
     in consideration of vich, he vos alvays called Number Tventy. The turnkey takes a fixed
     look at him, and at last he says in a solemn manner, "Tventy," he says, "I'll trust you; you
     won’t get your old friend into trouble." "No, my boy; I hope I've somethin' better behind
     here," says the little man; and as he said it he hit his little vesket wery hard, and then a
     tear started out o' each eye, which wos
     wery extraordinary, for it wos supposed as water never touched his face. He shook the
     turnkey by the hand; out he vent--'”

     A T Hunter                  1878 to 1914
     J H Holloway                1921 to 1936
     S R Fidgin                  1942 to 1961
     Charles Chapman             1966 to 1971
     Kenneth F Lingard           1972 to 1988
     Martin Nelhams              2005 to 2014
     Dan Loyd                    2016 to present

     Passing of friends……It is always with regret that we have

     to report the loss of Club members.

     In October 2016, Gerhard Noske /Mr Prossee  passed away. He had been a member of the
     Pickwick since 2005 and had just resigned from the Club prior to this news. Buzfuz wrote
     to the family to offer condolences on behalf of the Club.
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