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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine     Volume 11              No.2 September 2014                                  !8

     The President’s Luncheon……………..

     The President’s Luncheon was a much quieter affair than the December Garden Party,
     but with the revised table layout, it did give everyone a bit more breathing space and
     made  the  service  a  lot  quicker.  Samuel  Pickwick  arrived  with  chief  guest  Alan  Tait,
     heralded  in  by  the  trumpeters  of  the  Blues  &  Royals,  and  all  of  the  usual  rituals
     commenced. As always the Captain proceeded with renowned diplomacy to cajole those
     present to silence on command, although regrettably not always with complete success.
                       Instead  of  the  Original  Member,  Mr  Watty  duly  arrived  on  his
                       Ordinary, and proceeded to ride the   length of the room before
                       turning  with  style  and  stopping  at  the  President’s  table.
                       Pleasantries  exchanged,  he  was  then  presented  with  the
                       Measured Time Trophy award for the longest distance travelled.
                       Except  that  it  was  only  30metres!    The  food  that  followed  was
                       seemingly much better than on some occasions recently although
                       not  every  table  got  their  just  desserts,  by  missing  out  on  the
                      ! sweetmeats.
     The  King  of  the  Goblins  welcomed  a  variety  of  guests  amongst  them,  yet  to  be
     appointed  new  member,  Mr  Bottom  of  Aldgate  (aka  John  MacMillan)  ,  former  6-day
     track  rider  of  some  repute,  and  current  president  of  the  Pedal  Club.  Other  guests
     included:  Peter  Ruffhead  and  Matt  Holmes  (current  London  CycloCross  Champion)
     guests of Smithie; Phil Taylor guest of The Chaplain, and Dave Clibborn guest of the
     Red Nosed Mr Stiggins.

     New  members  were  duly  sworn  in  by  Sgt  Buzfuz,  and  commanded  to  wear  the
     appropriate  Club  attire  at  all  functions,  to  respond  to  their  soubriquets  henceforth
     and behave in the correct Pickwickian manner.
     The  Punch  Bowl  ceremony  was  attended  as  always  by
     two  visitors  from  the  Royal  Hospital  Chelsea  who
     arrived  at  the  President’s  table  with  assistance  from
     Mr Dumkins and to a loud rendition of ‘Boys of the Old
     Brigade’. I must be getting old, as they seemed to be
     of a similar age to me!.

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