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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.3 October 2013
       The latest introduct has been the Caption Competition and is a delight for me as I get to see
      some inspiringly amusing entries!
      So, I have now come to the completion of the last issue as Editor. I had hoped to make this a
      bumper issue, but it wasn’t to be. But nevertheless, I do hope you will enjoy it. I want to thank
      all the various contributors and especially to the members who have expressed some rather
      flattering  and embarrassing comments. I hope to be able to contribute something of use to the
      new editor.

      Immediately following the closing of the AGM last December, Mr.Winkle, Senior (aka Roger
      Warwick), a former printer himself, stepped forward to volunteer for the job of Magazine Editor.
      He is well experienced in the media and I am sure that he will take the magazine to great
      heights in the future. I wish him well and, need I say, that he will continue to receive the support
      and input that I have enjoyed.

         Editorial 2
         Apathy. That was the main subject of my editorial in the July issue of the magazine and
         that has been the talk of too many of our members who put a great deal of effort into
         organising events for you, our members. But, is it really all apathy, or is there a degree of
         disinterest? Have we, in the past, accepted so many new members from the ranks of
         members’ guests who, having enjoyed the hospitality of their hosts, desired to become
         members? I remember, so many years ago, Smouch (Chas Messenger) and I, who between
         us, knew just about everybody from a particular level, in “cycling”, did not recognise any
         one of the six elected at that particular lunch!

         The Secretary brings this very subject to our attention in his report in the next page and it
         is to the lasting benefit of the club – undoubtedly the world’s oldest – that this subject is
         discussed fully and resolved. The end result may well be an increase in participation in
         events such as the Benson Rally, the Golf Day and Cycle Ride, Hampton Court Revival
         Ride, Mr. Pickwick Goes to France and the several other existing and proposed events.

                             The Captain’s Orders:

                                                                     The Captain
                                                                    (Dismal Jemmy).
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