Page 6 - PBCOctober2012
P. 6

6              Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.3 October 2012

                                                                          Write to:
      This is the place where members may express their views and comments on  Stan Rose
      matters concerning the club and its activities. All letters are welcome and your  ‘Mere’
      input is confidently awaited!                                  Bucks. HP5 2TF
      Editor’s Note:  Pickwickians - I can’t find your letters:                   please write - I am lonely!  Or e-mail

    CLEVELAND STREET WORKHOUSE                    A Paralympics Volunteer
    From: Ruth Richardson
                                           Hi there Stan - thought I would attach the
    I am writing because you were kind enough to  pic showing  myself at the Paralympic Cycling
                                           @ Brands Hatch as one of the 70000
    sign  the  petition  to  help  save  the  Cleveland
                                           volunteers. Not allowed to wear anything other
    Street Workhouse.                                             than the official
                                                                  uniform so guess
                                                                  a fine could be in
    I have two bits of good news to share:
    First: the extraordinary history of the Workhouse
                                                                  At least the club
    you  helped  to  save,  and  the  four+  years  of            was represented
    Charles Dickens's life only a few doors away,                 even if in
    has  been  researched  and  written  up  in  book
                                                                  Amazing people
    form  and  published  by  Oxford  University                  the Paralympians,
    Press:                they all deserved
                                                                  medals for their
                                                                  commitment,  and
                                                                  an amazing time
    You  are  included  in  the  book's  dedication.              was had by the
    Please do ask for it at your local library, and take          volunteers.
    a look!
                                            Were any other Pickwickians part of the
                                           Volunteer force I wonder?
    Second: Camden Council has been applied to
                                           Not sure who the guests will be for the
    for  planning  permission  and  listed  building
                                           December luncheon but names such as Jody
    consent  for  the  erection  of  a  blue  plaque  on  Cundy & Mark Colbourne, both medallists
    Dickens's old home on the corner of Tottenham might appreciate a bit of post-Olympic
    Street  and  Cleveland  Street,  now  No.  22  recognition.
    Cleveland Street. The text on the plaque has
                                           Certainly these Paralympics puts faces to
    been  agreed,  the  house's  owners  are  very names and some became as well known as
    happy, we have sponsorship for the cost of it, the Olympian participants.
    and we are hoping there will be bubbly on the
                                           Anyway wishes
    day. I will write again when there is a firm date
    for   the   unveiling.   Kindest   regards   -
                                           Mr Winkle Senior
    Ruth Richardson, historian.
                                             (Aka - Roger Warwick).
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