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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 14 No.1 March 2017
October 2016 Caption Competition Winner!
After the chase up by Buzfuz, I received many
entries so thank you for your efforts. It was then
a case of selection, but finally with the aid of Mrs
Winkle, Peter Magnus was declared the winner.
“I see you have got rid of your boater,
so can I have your jacket, as it looks
my size?”
(a small prize will be sent to your residence in due course)
So, now for something different…
What do you know about your Club & Tales from Pickwick Papers?
Here are 8 questions about the Club and Pickwick Papers -
1) What was Joseph Atto’s Soubriquet?
2) Joseph Smiggers has the letters P.V.P.M.P.C after his name. What do they mean?
3) The Club was formed in 1870 at the Downs Hotel. Where was the Hotel?
4) Where was the cricket match in Ch.VII held?
5) With which famous author has the Club always been associated?
6) What legendary activity always took place at Club luncheons?
7) In Ch.XXXIV, who was Mr Pickwick up against in the trial?
8) Who organises Mr Pickwick goes to France each year?
Answers on a postcard or email to the Editor, by the closing date for the October issue, and
we will see if we can find a suitable prize for the winner.