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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.1 March 2012
A report on the 2011 Hampton Court (Revival) Ride appeaed in the last issue.
On the following two pages we reproduce an account of the “Meet” of 1878.
Submitted by Joseph Smiggers, Esq. P.V.P.M.P.C
Hampton Court Meet
“Bicycling News” May 17, 1878
TO-MORROW the great Annual Bicycle Show will take place on the pretty plains about Hampton
Court, Fulwell and Teddington. It is expected that thousands of riders will take part in the
procession, and if the day be fine, even spectators uninterested in bicycling will witness a sight
to warm their hearts. The head of the column of clubs is to be stationed a short distance on the
Kingston side of the Lion Gates, and the different bodies of men will, prior to the start, occupy
positions between that point and the Teddington end of Sandy Lane. Unattached riders – or, as
they are called, non-clubmen – will be berthed on Hampton Court Green until the procession has
passed, when it is intended they shall follow in the wake of clubmen.
The route is, we believe, as follows:- From Hampton Court past the Green to Hampton leaving
the church on the left, along the road towards New Hampton, leaving the old route, turning off to
the left and riding nearly to the village of Hanworth. Then to the right, along the Twickenham
Road, and to the right again, joining the old route near Fulwell station; thence to the “Clarence”
at Teddington, and back to Hampton Court through the avenue. A painstaking committee has
done everything that could be done to insure success, and the police authorities have promised
that an adequate force shall be upon the ground both within and without the park. There is to be
a volunteer review in the park during the afternoon, but we understand the pinion of the authorities
is that the cavalry and infantry will not clash. Still it must be admitted that the combination of
events is unfortunate, particularly as the chestnuts are just now extremely attractive. The
Committee have, however, the satisfaction of knowing that they have deserved to succeed, and
although it is not in them to command success, we sincerely trust they may obtain it.
The marshals appointed for this day, and from whom information may be obtained are Messrs.
F. Honeywell, Surrey BC; L C Baerman and JW Benningfield, Pickwick BC; H Coppin, West Kent
BC; M D Rucker, London BC; J R Airey, Stanley BC; O J Fox, North Surrey BC; W Denny,
Wanderers BC: Thompson, Civil Service BC; H E Kearley, Royal District BC; H Short, Rovers
BC; C W Pagan, Temple BC; A VW Lacy, Kent BC; Clew, West Kent BC; K M Yeoman, C H
Larette, S Fussell and C T Scivener Pickwick BC; A Wright, Kingston BC; Stafford, Belgrave BC;
and Yorke, J Zingari.
1. The clubs to be massed in the road extending: from about 250 yards from the Lion
gates towards Kingston Bridge, in blocks numbered and arranged in order of precedence.
2. No bicyclists will be allowed to pass through Bushy Park on taking up positions at
the rendezvous. Clubs arriving by way of Teddington must proceed to their blocks via
Sandy Lane. Those arriving via Hampton must pass down the road from the Lion gates
to Kingston Bridge.
3. On the arrival of your club you will conduct it to the block the number of which will
be forwarded to you in the course of a day or two, when you will dismount and pile
machines in pairs facing Hampton.
4. Tour club must be on the ground not later than 4.30pm Continued.
5. your parade state attached hereto for the marshal, who will ride past to collect the