Page 22 - PBCMarch2012
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22            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.1 March 2012

    G A Hill              pre 1881
    Arthur Sydenham       1924 to 1939           Assistant Secretary 1927
    A G Reynolds          1944 to 1949
    John W Wood           1953 to 1968
    A Lythgoe             1971 to 1990                              We couldn’t use
    R Campbell            1986 to 1988                                his portrait
    Stephen Prentice      1994 to present

    Horatio Fizkin – Buff candidate for Eatanswill:

    “Mr. Pickwick, with his usual foresight and sagacity, had chosen a peculiarly desirable moment for
    his visit to the borough. Never was such a contest known. The Honourable Samuel Slumkey, of
    Slumkey Hall, was the Blue candidate; and Horatio Fizkin, Esq., of Fizkin Lodge, near Eatanswill,
    had been prevailed upon by his friends to stand forward on the Buff interest.”

    W Nisbet              pre 1878
    G J Faithorne         1878
    A J Smith             1879 to 1914     President; Host of Leather Bottle, Cobham;
                                                                                Comm.1917;   Life Member .240 miles in 24 hours
                                                                                (special Gold Medal)
    Sir William Letts KBE           1932 to 1957           Vice-President(1957).
                                                                                 Hon.Member. Died 1957
    T E Atkinson                1968 to 1969
    John W H Pepper              1972 to present

    George, the father – the Old Man’s Tale about the Queer Client:
    “'She had fainted one evening in her husband's arms, and he had borne her to the open window,
    to revive her with the air, when the light of the moon falling full upon her face, showed him a change
    upon  her  features,  which  made  him  stagger  beneath  her  weight,  like  a
    helpless infant. "Set me down, George," she said faintly. He did so, and
    seating himself beside her, covered his face with his hands, and burst into
    tears. "It is very hard to leave you, George," she said; "but it is God's will,
    and you must bear it for my sake. Oh! how I thank Him for having taken our
    boy! He is happy, and in heaven now. What would he have done here,
    without his mother!"”

    V M Boyce             1942 to 1956
    J C Street            1967 to 1969
    A J Payne             1974 to 1983
    Chris Wreghitt        1993 to present

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