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2                Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.1 March 2012
                                    Your President’s word:
                           I am extremely grateful to the club for electing me as their President
     There has been a glorious
     start to what is destined to  for this historic year marking the 200  anniversary of the birth of
     be a momentous year!  Charles Dickens.  If the year is anything like the first few months it
                                                     will truly be something that I will
     Our  club  was    honoured                      always remember.
     with our President meeting
     the  Royal  Family  at                          I have written a short report of the
     Buckingham  Palace  on                          Portsmouth celebration of 7th
     behalf  of  the  club;  two                     February when several members
     members at Westminster                          joined the Mayor and other
     Abbey  and  the  Mansion                        dignitaries and guests. The
     House;  and  others  in                         cyclists were in period dress and
     Portsmouth,  all  for  C.D’s                    riding appropriate machines.  This
     Bi-Centenary celebrations.
                                                     accompanies the photographs on
                                                     later pages
     Then G.B’s women setting
     new World Records at the                        I am looking forward to meeting
     Olympic  Velodrome,  the                        the Queen and Prince Philip at
     track designed by our own  Buckingham Palace on 14th February.
     Mr Griggs. Hotel booking
     on Box Hill by Baillie Mac
     Something for the Olympic
     Road  Race.  Proposed
     ‘Camp  Pickwick’  for  the  The Captain’s Orders:
     Olympic  Time  Trials  and
     so  much  more  to  look  This year we celebrate of the birth of a brilliant writer
     forward to.          Whose stories help make our existence,
     A  special  celebratory  A talent whose memory we hold very dear
     Dickens event later for us  Making this a historic Olympic year
     and  our  partners  and,  of
     course, the regular events,  His words captured the Victorian era
     Golf  Day  and  bike  ride,  Creating characters of a social stigma
     Benson  Rally,  Hampton  The world over, his stories are spread
     Court   Ride,   the  And in many languages his words read
     President’s  Lunch,  the
     Garden Party – Wow! what  Our very existence is drawn from his writing
     a prospect!          Characters all from Pickwick Papers uniting
                          Having sobriquets by which we are known    The Captain
     Great days ahead, make  Ensures our traditions are given a fine hone  (Dismal Jemmy).
     the most of them, forget
     your troubles and enjoy  Each time you dine or venture forth on the road
     while you can!       Member ensure you adopt the correct dress code
                          Let us show to the world of manners most striking
     New woven hat badges, a  Standards to further the interest of eating and cycling
     lapel badge and a pair of
     magnificent cufflinks were  We should seek to reassure by preserving tradition
     sent  to  all  members,  the  A crucial action in this changing world of competition
     latter arriving on the very  By the application of our customs and the way we are dressed
     anniversary day. 14th Feb.  Like guests, maybe Charles Dickens would have been impressed
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