Page 20 - PBCJuly2012
P. 20
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 9 No.2 July 2012
More letters
Letter from Pruffle
Dear Joe the Fatboy, please find the photo of
my daughters Clare and Katie who ran the
A Reminder of the March item
London marathon to raise funds for Cancer
Research UK.
An invitation.
They have asked me
to express their As well as being President of our illustrious Club
gratitude to the this year I am also President of the National
Pickwick Bicycle Association of Veteran Cycle Clubs and Captain
Club for the £400 of the Solent Veteran Bicycle and Tricycle Club.
raised at the
Hampton Court There are 10 veteran cycle clubs in the country
and each year one club hosts a national rally.
lunch in Sept. 2011.
This year my own club are hosting the event at
in total they raised
Fishbourne near Chichester on the weekend of
£4000 .
the 1 and 2 of September.
I was delighted that The rally ride is on the Sunday but there are
they upheld a Pickwickian tradition by seeking events on the Saturday with a cycle jumble, an
refuge in a public house after such vigorous auction with several complete veteran cycles as
exercise. well as restoration projects etc.
Best wishes Pruffle. Entries for the auction are being taken now.
Commission is only 5% of the hammer price and
there is no buyers premium.
Another Charity Run There is a barn dance on the Saturday night.
On site camping is available or local
accommodation can be booked through the
On the subject of marathons, our Chichester Tourist office.
member,Slummintowkens, who has run in two Members might like to visit the event, where on
London Marathons and several half-marathons,
the Sunday there will be hopefully between 150
competed in the GöteborgsVarvet Half Marathon
and 200 cyclists all riding, in costume, cycles
on 12 May. (Result not available at time of and tricycle built before 1935.
To enter the rally it is necessary to belong to one
of the associations clubs. I can arrange
The event attracted over 75,000 competitors,
membership of my own club at a cost of only
watched by 200.000 spectators lining the roads
£2.50. If you would like to enter please let me
in the lovely old Swedish city, which is now home
know and I will arrange for an application form
to our member.
and an entry form to be sent.
All cycles partaking must be built before 1935.